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Eera event 13-14 March 2023 - Online

The Future of Energy Materials: EERA EM4I Final Workshop with the participation of AMI2030

The EERA Energy Materials for Innovation (EM4I) initiative timely reflected on the importance of bringing materials science to the forefront of Europe’s energy research landscape if we are to achieve the net-zero objective. Through a series of technical workshops organised between 2021 and 2022, EM4I identified materials science approaches that are cross-cutting through various energy applications.

In parallel, the Advanced Materials Manifesto was issued in February 2022. It puts forward leading-edge materials science approaches of application in a very wide number of markets, towards innovation. The subsequent Advanced Materials 2030 Initiative (AMI2030) has been later working at a roadmap and is now working at a governance plan and a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for advanced materials in Horizon Europe.

Given the common objective of ensuring that materials research is addressed in Europe in a comprehensive and consistent way to promote innovation in several fields (including energy), EERA EM4I and AMI2030 are jointly organising an online workshop to be held on 13 and 14 March, 2023.

In this workshop:

  • The key outcomes of the EERA EM4I initiative will be presented;
  • The strategies of relevance in the context of materials science of some EERA joint programmes - Advanced Materials and Processing for Energy Applications (AMPEA), Nuclear Materials with the relevant European partnership (ORIENT-NM project), and E3S (Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts of the Energy Transition)- will be analysed;
  • The AMI2030 framework and the relevant actions identified by its working groups will be brought to light; and
  • The integration of existing partnerships (clean energy transition, hydrogen, batteries, …) and other initiatives (e.g., in the solar energy field) with the above strategies and actions will be explored.

Furthermore, an expert panel will discuss the common materials research areas covered, to identify concrete actions and priorities for the near future. This input will become the basis for a white paper on materials for innovation.

The workshop is free of charge and open to all upon registration.

Practical information


13 Mar 2023 - 14 Mar 2023


2:00 PM - 6:00 PM


Lorenzo Malerba